
Conda installation

ipcoal is available for Python 2.7 and 3.5 or greater. The simplest way to install it is with conda. Currently, we require a few different channels to pull in all dependencies, this will likely be simplified in the future. Please install with the following command:

conda install ipcoal -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c eaton-lab

Developers welcomed

We are interested in expanding the capabilities of ipcoal. If you are interested in joining as a developer please feel free to fork the repo from GitHub and join in the discussion on addressing tickets or developing new features.


  • numpy
  • pandas
  • numba
  • msprime (conda-forge)
  • toytree (eaton-lab)
  • seq-gen (bioconda)
  • raxml (bioconda)
  • mrbayes (bioconda)